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2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit

2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit "Legislate Peace" - Implementation of the DPCW for Sustainable Development #LegislatePeace #DPCW #HWPL #LPproject #2019WorldPeaceSummit 918 WARP Summit was held 2014 for the first time and this year, it celebrates its 5th anniversary. Every Sep, it has been held in South Korea since 2014. This Summit is a global peace festival that transcends nations, races, religions, and culture. Last year, I participated in the WARP Summit and this year, I watched it on youtube live. I want to introduce HWPL first. HWPL stands for Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light. HWPL's chairman is Man Hee Lee and his desire and passion for peace is greater and stronger than any other people. That's why in spite of his advanced age, he has been travelling all around the world, crying out for the importance of peace and inspiring people such as former and serving presidents, journalists and so on all ov...
최근 글

Why people joined the Peace Walk

I found an interview on why people joined a 6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk. Here is the video clip below. #HWPL #PEACE #DPCW Watching this video clip, I was touched again thinking of that day. When the practical answer to peace is suggested together with many people's attention and efforts, true peace will come to the world. In that sense, HWPL has been doing a lot of realistic peace activities from World Peace Summit to Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting.  I hope more and more people support HWPL and bring peace much closer and faster to the world. If you want to know more about HWPL. Check it. http://www.hwpl.kr/en/

The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Yesterday, there was The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting. #WARPOffice #HWPL #Religion #ManHeeLee #Scripture #Dialogue Some of you might think that what WARP Office Meeting is. The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meetings are HWPL’s worldwide peace dialogue series on interfaith relations and scriptural texts. These meetings aim to prevent the conflicts caused by religious misunderstandings and bring forth peace through gaining a deeper understanding of the standards and teachings of each religion, as well as the concept of peace spoken about in each scripture. #WARPOffice #HWPL #Religion #ManHeeLee #Scripture #Dialogue WARP Office Meeting yesterday consisted of two sessions. The topic was about the beginning of man. I watched the second session. Many religious leaders joined it such as Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Session 2 started with...

3rd Annual Commemoration of the Proclamation of DPCW

3rd Annual Commemoration of the Proclamation of DPCW – Religious Leaders Respond to the Question: “Why Do We Need DPCW?” On March 16, at the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Proclamation of Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), various religious leaders such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and so on gathered together to answer the question, “Why Do We Need DPCW?” #HWPL #DPCW A leader said that current international law can't prevent wars and conflicts. DPCW will be a perfect law for that. Moreover, it is said that all religions speak of peace, but religions are one of the causes for the greatest conflicts in human history. The audience were inspired by various leaders' passionate presentations. If you want to know more about this, check it here. http://www.hwpl.kr/en/news/view/190605397/0/3rdAnnualCommemorationoftheProclamationofDPCW%E2%80%93ReligiousLeadersRespondtotheQuestion%E2%80%9CWhyDoWeNeedDPCW%E2%80%9D You may be curious of what DPCW is. Simpl...

6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk, another story

At the end of May, there was a 6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk. #Peace #HWPL #DPCW I joined it and felt so touched that I posted it on my blog. I heard touching news from the world afterwards. Many press from the world also covered this peace walk including NBC, ABC, Correspondent Newspaper Magazine, Fairfax Connection, Redpaper, Press Mania and so on. This fact tells us that many people love and support peace and this will bring peace much closer to the earth. This peace walk was hosted by HWPL. HWPL stands for Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light. HWPL is committed to bringing world peace and cessation of war through the establishment of an enforceable law compatible with the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) and the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace(WARP) offices. HWPL's chairman is Man Hee Lee and he once fought in a war when young. He will be soon in his nineties. However, despit...

6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk

I joined Peace walk of HWPL today. So many people also came hoping for peace. Their desire for peace was as hot as summer's heat. #Peacewalk #RE_Peaceletter #HWPL The most impressive part was chairman Lee's speech. When he was young, he fought in a war, so in his speech, I could feel honesty and strong desire for peace. He said that he never want young people to be victims to cruel war. I heard that now he is almost 90 years old. What makes him move is love toward peace I think. How is it possible that 90 years old man keeps sending peace messages to all around the world in person without love? #Peacewalk #RE_Peaceletter #HWPL This Peace walk was held in so many cities in Korea including Seoul, Busan and Suncheon etc. Also, people around the world paid attention. #Spain  #Czech_Republic  #France #Australia #Germany This makes me think that every year, more and more people support HWPL. Today, HWPL urged support for the Declaration o...

Stop war

Six million people One million people Do you know what each number represents? The number of casualties from the Korean War was six million people.  One million people were killed or hurt by Iran-Iraq War. #war  #peace After the Second World War, United Nations were established for international peace and safety preventing wars. However, 5 years later, the Korean War occurred. It showed that sadly UN cannot stop wars completely. 30 years later after the Korean War, there was Iran-Iraq War in the Middle East.  The invasion by Iraq of Kuwait caused Gulf War. Recently, Syrian civil war happened. Can we say that we are safe from wars? Truth be told, I was not interested in peace and wars before. To me, peace is good and wars were bad. That was all. However, after I grew old as an adult, I met many various foreign friends and talked a lot.  From some of my friends, I realized that wars were not that far from me and many...