I've brought coffee as a topic again. Today I'm going to let you how I enjoy coffee. And also I want to know your way as well. To brew coffee using Moka Express, what you need is 1) Moka Express. 2) Ground coffee 3) hot water 4) gas stove and 5) your favorite mug are needed. That's all. Isn't it too easy? Experts say you should do this and you should not do this blabla. You can follow the rule. BUT you can just accept some rule based on what you need. I introduce my way! 1. Hot water needs to be ready. 2. Pour the hot water into a bottom part of Moka Express- it is called bottom chamber. 3. Put some ground coffee a funnel. 4. Combine a bottom chamber, funnel and collecting chamber. 5. Boil it on the stove. 6. When coffee starts to brew from a bottom chamber to collecting chamber, it means you can have delicious coffee soon. 7. Pour the brewed hot coffee into your best mug pouring hot water. ...
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