918 WARP Summit was held 2014 for the first time and this year, it celebrates its fourth anniversary.
Every Sep, it has been held in South Korea since 2014. HWPL has invited celebrities who are interested in peace activities, done peace activity report, and shared its future plans for peace.
This Summit is a global peace festival that transcends nations, races, religions, and culture.
As always, various celebrities participated in this 918 WARP Summit, supporting peace.
HWPL stands for Heavenly culture World Peace Restoration of Light. It works for declaration of peace and cessation of war.
For the world peace, there are HWPL peace initiatives and projects.
They are Law for Peace, Alliance of religions, Women & Youth Empowerment, WARP Office, Peace Walk and so on.
(You can get more information on http://me2.do/5IK6Lssw)
Their initiatives and projects are all attractive but among them, I think WARP Office for Alliance of Religions is very interesting and special.
The world has been developed a lot but still there are many wars out there.
I heard that 80% of wars occur due to religions. It is really irony that religions that should practice love cause wars.
I think this is because believers misunderstand the creator, and their scriptures based on their own greed.
I had a religious life in catholic church when I was young. I was always curious about why various different religions say that their God is the best and then who the real best God was. I asked to the Father of catholic church but his answer couldn't satisfy me.
If there is the only true best God, I don't think the almighty wants people to cause wars.
Moreover, the almighty lets us know his plan and thinking through the scripture.
Then, can we, people find the only true best God in the scripture?
If people find and realize God's plan and thinking through discussions based on scriptures, they can't use religions as satisfying their own greed.
I think WARP Office of HWPL is really innovative.
If there is a really believable scripture, through that scripture, people can understand the creator and then there will be no more conflicts caused by misunderstandings.
I strongly urge many famous religious leaders to come to visit WARP Office and discuss their own scriptures to find the truth, stopping the war caused by religions.
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